How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture accelerates blood circulation throughout the human body, so it can increase energy that affects the body’s balance through certain points.

What can acupuncture do?
Most people try Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a last resort after several other methods of treatment have failed to resolve their complaints. Currently Acupuncture and TCM have been able to overcome various complaints of ailments and beauty and have been considered as one of the methods of community treatment. Acupuncture can also be a means of preventing disease, increasing antibodies and stamina.

What diseases and beauty complaints can generally be treated with acupuncture?
Sinusitis, sore throat, fever, ringing in the ears, dizziness, high / low blood pressure, difficulty defecating, diarrhea, allergies, stomach pain, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, insomnia / difficulty sleeping, migraine, gout, cholesterol, triglycerides, stress , paralysis, back pain, asthma / shortness of breath, cough, influenza / cold, trigeminal neuralgia, male and female sexual dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, menopause, menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, infertility, acne, hair loss, wrinkles, eye bags, spots, sagging skin, cellulite, obesity, disproportionate body, etc.

How many times is acupuncture therapy needed?
Depending on the condition, age and duration of complaints suffered by the patient.

When did the results of the therapy appear or be felt by the patient?
Generally after the first to fourth therapy.

What is the frequency of therapy that the patient has to undergo?
It depends on what is being treated and the acupuncturist’s advice. In general, once a week or twice a week in the early stages to achieve optimal results.

How long is the therapy time per visit?
The duration of therapy is generally 20-30 minutes. The needles used are disposable needles.

Are there any side effects / risks from acupuncture therapy?
There are no side effects, in general acupuncture is a very safe treatment, because it stimulates and improves the functions of the human organs themselves.

Was there any pain in the patient during therapy?
The patient feels a sensation like being bitten by an ant only when the needle is inserted, then the patient will feel relaxed and comfortable. The patient should be calm and relaxed as possible, so as not to be tense.

What is the success rate of acupuncture therapy?
In general, the success rate of this therapy is quite high, of course, the earlier the patient’s complaints come, the sooner the better. Besides, it also requires discipline and patient persistence to comply with the suggestions given.

Jam Operasional
Jadwal Praktik Mandiri Akupunktur Terapis Lilis Christine Lesmana, A.Md.Akup
Senin – Jumat: Jam 09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Sabtu: Jam 09.00-13.00 WIB
Diharapkan Pasien melakukan Reservasi minimal 1 hari sebelumnya
Minggu & Libur Nasional: Libur .

Praktik Mandiri Akupunktur Terapis Lilis Christine Lesmana, A.Md.Akup

Rasuna Office Park III unit TO-03
Rasuna Epicentrum Complex
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan
Jakarta 12960