About Independent Acupuncture Practice Lilis Christine Lesmana, A.Md.Akup

Everyone wants to get health and beauty care for the parts of the body that are felt to be less than perfect. One of the methods to fulfill that wishes is through acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health practices and service that is safe, economical, proven with satisfying results and without side effects. Beauty acupuncture is based on skin physiology and pathology. The treatment method is based on meridians, acupuncture points, Cang Fu organs and treatment, about the treatment it self.

Acupuncture is a type of treatment that uses needles inserted into the human body at certain places under the skin or into the muscles, in order to achieve the balance of Qi Xue (energy and blood). Thus, optimal treatment and treatment results can be achieved.

Independent Acupuncture Practice Lilis Christine Lesmana, A.Md.Akup is managed by an Indonesian (Lilis Christine) who wants to promote acupuncture as a treatment, as well as a means to achieve natural beauty and fitness without side effects.

Lilis Lesmana Profile

Commonly handled medications include:

  • Various pain (headache, stomach pain, back pain, muscle / bone pain, buttock pain)
  • Functional disorders of the organs and nervous system of the body (paralysis, rheumatism, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, hemorrhoids, difficulty sleeping, allergies)
  • Cough, influenza, hernia, minus eye, plus eye, cylinder eye, glaucoma, tinnitus, sore throat, ulcer
  • Cleansing toxins / detox due to drugs, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol

Beauty acupuncture that is commonly handled include:

  • Proportional weight loss and body building.
  • Hair problems (loss, thinness, dandruff, graying).
  • Skin and facial problems (acne, large pores, wrinkles, spots, skin tightening, cellulite, body odor).
  • Breast problems (shaping and firming beautiful and healthy breasts).
  • Women’s health problems (irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, vaginal discharge, tightening of loose vaginal muscles, frigid).
  • Male health problems (impotence, premature ejaculation, stamina).
  • Hereditary problems / infertility.
  • Whole body care for the bride and groom.

Also available:

  • Face Acupressure: Needle-free therapy to activate the freshness of the face, open up the aura, so that it looks and feels healthy and youthful.
  • Facial Massage / Face Massage which functions to improve blood circulation, soften and make the face clean radiant.

Beauty acupuncture also available in a special packages.

Jam Operasional
Jadwal Praktik Mandiri Akupunktur Terapis Lilis Christine Lesmana, A.Md.Akup
Senin – Jumat: Jam 09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Sabtu: Jam 09.00-13.00 WIB
Diharapkan Pasien melakukan Reservasi minimal 1 hari sebelumnya
Minggu & Libur Nasional: Libur .

Praktik Mandiri Akupunktur Terapis Lilis Christine Lesmana, A.Md.Akup

Rasuna Office Park III unit TO-03
Rasuna Epicentrum Complex
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan
Jakarta 12960